HRCH Santa Fe's Red Label Tyson MH
$750 Stud Fee Available to approved females. OFA, CERF and Neg Brucellosis Required
Contact: David Pasqualotto 256.759.0428
FC AFC Hilltop's Hayseed
FC CFC CAFC Taylorslab Magic Trick MH CD
Cedar Rivers Sage
HRCH Santa Fe's Red Label Tyson MH
NAFC FC AFC Candlewoods Ranblin Man
HR Santa Fe's Ramblin Rage Contender MH
She's All That
No Lean Mac In Pedigree
DOB 9/7/2006
OFA Hips Excellent
Elbows Normal
Cerf Clear
CNM Clear EIC Clear
75 lbs Strong Lean Muscular Build
Loves to work and train
Excellent Marking
Great Attitude